Cracked Pot Meditations – Lying is Lying Holiday Edition 

Meditation for November 30th, 2016 Lying is Lying Holiday Edition  Tomorrow children from all over the Christian world will begin opening the windows in their little advent calendar to be bribed by chocolate to believe a lie; the lie that Santa is real. A lie is a lie, so why is faking a fat guy […]

Meditation for November 30th, 2016

Lying is Lying Holiday Edition 

Tomorrow children from all over the Christian world will begin opening the windows in their little advent calendar to be bribed by chocolate to believe a lie; the lie that Santa is real. A lie is a lie, so why is faking a fat guy delivering presents to hundreds of million of homes the exception to the rule?

  1. It makes believing in a mythological God that much easier. 
  2. It allows for control over children using the naughty list tactic.
  3. It teaches children to demand things and get them. 
  4. It motivated people to spend money. 
  5. Because love should be bought, not earned. 
  6. Children learn that life is a series of instant gratifications. 
  7. Allows kids to accept Big Brother with the idea of their behavior

Unfortunately psychologists have found that this major lie is doing great harm to children. 

This makes kids know that not all things adults tell them is true. In some cases that is great, no believing Jared when he says there is candy in the van, but bad news when you want to keep your kids safe and they won’t believe you. 
We lie about Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairies, and Socialism working. We give them presents from Santa, candy and eggs from the bunny, money for teeth from the fairy and an impossible political utopia for little Timmy to waste his 20s fighting and arguing for. 

Then they found out that you didn’t want them to find out that you actually have them those things. Did you just not love them enough to give them those things yourself? 

What if you are rich and little Timmy gets whatever he wants plus socks and a sweater? What if little Timmy goes to a public school where half the kids are poor and find out that little Timmy gave them everything they wanted and they got one thing that was ok, but not exactly what they wanted? Does that make Santa prefer rich privileged affluent children better?

Then they found out that Santa isn’t real and it was because their parents had more money than Suzy’s. Hello rich guilt! 

Even today when I am making love to myself I don’t worry about any real person walking in on me, myself, and I, but I get a sick feeling that Santa is peeking over the window sill not judging me for making love to myself but judging me in how I make love to myself. 

What else is a lie mom & dad? If Santa isn’t judging me on my behavior then crack must be okay to smoke. 

What is the difference between Santa and God? They both bribe faith and good behaviors with gifts. If there isn’t good behavior and faith, then it’s coal. Coal is a metaphor for hell. 

Why can’t we celebrate Christmas without Santa? Why does this still have to exist? It doesn’t help the religious aspect any. It doesn’t really make capitalism any better. It doesn’t really enrich our culture any. 

Do you really want to tell anyone that your idiot kid bought your story about flying reindeer?

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