Cracked Pot Meditations – Rewards

Meditation for January 16, 2016 Rewards When one finds a spiritual path, one usually finds that there is some sort of reward at the end of it. Some die and go somewhere nice afterwards while others find a nirvana here on earth. Others believe that if we live a good life we come back as […]

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Meditation for January 16, 2016


When one finds a spiritual path, one usually finds that there is some sort of reward at the end of it. Some die and go somewhere nice afterwards while others find a nirvana here on earth. Others believe that if we live a good life we come back as a higher more enlightened being in our future lives. People make decisions in their day-to-day lives based on the rewards they will get when they die. People will do anything to go to heaven.

If you are trying to get to heaven then you don’t deserve to go to heaven. You will step on others just to get there and you will make sure others know where you are going after you die from your terrible heart condition from eating like a pig.

When you die, there is nothing.

Stop wasting your time and our time and just live today like heaven doesn’t exist. Don’t be scared of hell. If you’re a nice person, you’ll do all the right things anyway, but if you need a carrot on a stick to get you to act morally and treat other human beings compassionately, then you are a weak piece of shit. If you waste your time meditating in silence every weekend, then you don’t deserve nirvana because real nirvana comes from dealing with and helping other people.

Live this life like it’s your last and only shot at life. The chances are that is true anyway, so stop fooling yourself and others and accept the fact that you don’t deserve a reward for acting like you should anyway.


God of the Afterlife,

He Who Judges Us on our Every Decision and Action,

The One Who Has Omnipresent Powers, But Needs Us to Act Very Specifically,

Lord of Strings Attached,

King of the Heavens and Being A Moody Control Freak,

let me forget what you want.

Let me just be a good person because that’s the right thing to do,

and you concentrate on spreading the universe,

so that maybe you can make a planet of people,

who don’t need your approval but doesn’t get it ever.

May I walk the Earth like it’s my only life,

so that I may serve those in need,

and vote against politicians who want Israel to be strong, keeping the Middle East in total chaos, just so the prophesies in the Bible come true and the end of the earth happen and the very specific people who followed the one true religion get raptured up into heaven while we who either were not interpreting the book right or thought it was silly have to fight the hordes who come up from Hell,

and may I be judged on intentions?



Take a giant roll of paper, the bigger the better, and paint your idea of heaven on it. What would your reward for a good life be? What are the perks in heaven? Is it a city or just clouds? Paint it in as much detail as possible. Make it the best painting you ever done. Even if you aren’t a good painter in the first place, take your time and try to do the best you can.

Now take it outside and burn it. You don’t need that shit.


Don’t live life like you deserve anything. You don’t. Just do your job and if someone thanks you, you just won the goddamned lottery, but if no one does, you did your job anyway and you were supposed to.

Make your bed.


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