Cracked Pot Meditations – Sexy All The Time

Meditation for October 29th, 2016 Sexy All The Time The survival of the species is based on that feeling in our loins to fuck. Our whole society is based around making us feel like that can happen. Either we make ourselves sexy all the time or we just sit and stare at others who find […]

Meditation for October 29th, 2016

Sexy All The Time

The survival of the species is based on that feeling in our loins to fuck. Our whole society is based around making us feel like that can happen. Either we make ourselves sexy all the time or we just sit and stare at others who find it easier to be sexier all the time. 

Advertisements use sex to sell. Not that we equate sexiness a factor on buying a product but the promises of sexy time the product may give us. 

  • This product will get you laid
  • This product will promise a fulfilling relationship where getting laid can happen in the regular. 
  • This product will keep your partner from being mad at you all the time and therefore you might get laid in the nearist future. 
  • And this product will keep you having the sex years after the twilight of your sexual prime. 
  • And these products are for the poor souls who won’t be having sex in the near future. 

We are expanding all this pent up energy trying to have sex, or give us the impression that we could have sex if we remain ready, and we are wasting it. 

Whole religions have been based on one gender’s (men) resentment at not getting laid. Laws have been enacted to not allow certain sexual activities to happen for no other reason than to make a certain kind of person illegal. 
War is the world not having good fulfilling sex. 

Halloween reminds us that we would like weird sex once in awhile. 

Some men have decided to stop masturbating and this has made the men feel more powerful in other endeavors they expand that unwanted energy. 

They will all die from Toxic Sperm Syndrome. This is how Prince and the guy from Weezed died. 
How do we expand that sexual energy that wells up from within ourselves? 

  • Put it into art so you can inspire others to love
  • Put it in helping others
  • Be a rock for others to count on
  • Put that energy towards changing the world 
  • Watching all the JRR Tolkien movies – including the animated ones
  • Finding the perfect graveyard sodas at one of those crazy Burger King soda machines
  •  Or watching TV – this includes Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO Go, or torrents. 
  • Changing your style – preppy, jock, hipper…
  • Quitting drinking and smoking weed and being more watchful with your sugar intake
  • Start a terrible crack habit
  • Take up cricket
  • Murder
  • Trying to create a second Halloween a year – like in July
  • Write a novel
  • Create the perfect pop album that finally out does Pet Sounds by the Eagles