In September 2014, I was diagnosed with stage three cancer, and by the time I was done with two major surgeries and four rounds of intense chemo, my brain was fried. I couldn’t concentrate, and I was full of fog if I tried. I was starting to work part-time and couldn’t do much before feeling […]

In my last blog, I explain why I am doing a tarot deck and that I have also written a book about the cards. I also go over the more technical details of the Fool card and some of its meaning. The Fool is the central character of the Infinite Tarot deck as he goes […]

It seems that this blog just isn’t putting out the content that I would envision. I sit and stare at walls thinking up great ideas that could someday sit here and entertain my readers, but I won’t stop staring at the wall, I think about how I’m so tired, too sad, or empty to create.  […]

    The longer I’ve gone the harder it has gotten to write anything. I sit in therapy and shrug off the trauma and the feelings and wish to reawaken the creative muses who no longer sing for me. It’s not that I am having writer’s block, I am full of ideas that fill my […]

Monday of Labor Day here in Rhode Island became a torrent rain storm that flooded the streets and even demolished a building. The rain was so refreshing after so many days of just hot humidity. It feels like walking through an old oven. Even sitting on the beach, the sun just cooks you and the […]