Tag: anniversary

Here is the anniversary post that comes every year: 11 years of davideverettfisher dot com and nine years of my cancer diagnosis. I reflect on my past more than my birthday or AA anniversary. How come me? Next month I will be forty fucking seven years old. I will also visit an oncologist to see […]

Monday of Labor Day here in Rhode Island became a torrent rain storm that flooded the streets and even demolished a building. The rain was so refreshing after so many days of just hot humidity. It feels like walking through an old oven. Even sitting on the beach, the sun just cooks you and the […]

It was 5 years ago today that Nicole and I began our relationship. There was so much going on in those days. I was in the middle of cancer treatment, recovering from major surgeries, and waiting to find out if my prognosis is terminal. She was going through a lot as well, which isn’t my […]

Love is never a constant and steady thing where one feels it and if it is the one true love, never goes away. Love is fickle. Love is an action that one takes when they don’t feel it, to be grateful when one does feel it, and to never take the other person for granted. […]

Yesterday was my 5-year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. No one wrote on my Facebook wall, called, or sent me any presents. In my life, this anniversary has as much to do with who I am as my birthday, my sobriety date, and my wedding anniversary. It’s a bittersweet date. I was one kind […]

Meditation for June 19th, 2016 Getting Away You can’t keep up that urban life for long before you just snap. You need to get somewhere where your stupid phone doesn’t get any reception and stare stupidly into a fire like a Neanderthal. That is what my girlfriend and I just did – hence the lack […]