Tag: chemo brain

  In September 2014, I was diagnosed with stage three cancer, and by the time I was done with two major surgeries and four rounds of intense chemo, my brain was fried. I couldn’t concentrate and was full of fog if I tried. I was starting to work part-time and couldn’t do much before feeling […]

This past September was my seventh anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. I wrote a blog about it. It was the last one I wrote. I’ve spent the last week going through the medical motions of getting a new PCP, an Oncologist, and trying and maintain my health. I have been told the chances of […]

Meditation for October 30th, 2016 Writing as Meditation This is the 289th meditation I have written since beginning this venture in February. I have only skipped two days and have written all but two. I had cancer two years ago. I was diagnosed in remission two weeks ago. While battling cancer, I had to undergo […]