Cracked Pot Meditations – Animal Totem: The Pigeon

  Meditation for April 17th, 2016 Animal Totem: the Pigeon The Pigeon is a majestic and regal bird that usually graces the urban centers of the world. They fly or bop around on the ground studying the world around them with great curiousity. Pigeons are busy, but with a great sense of humor. If you […]


Meditation for April 17th, 2016

Animal Totem: the Pigeon

The Pigeon is a majestic and regal bird that usually graces the urban centers of the world. They fly or bop around on the ground studying the world around them with great curiousity. Pigeons are busy, but with a great sense of humor.

If you get the Pigeon as an animal on your totem, it usually means you eat garbage and flock together with other people who eat garbage. Pigeons are like goats or catfish, they will eat anything.

It’s not that it’s about the food and eating, it usually represents the lack of any class or manners. You just take from the world around you and expect people to give you handouts.

Unlike the Canada goose who is a democratic socialist, the Pigeon is just a scum sucking leech on society. You are usually a rocker who believes playing in small bars  and dressing up like a Guns ‘N’ Roses roadie is super important. You think that what you dress like and listen to is more important than giving anything back to society. A fucking pigeon.

A Pigeon doesn’t like change and usually won’t let go of the past and keeps showing up to the same spots night after night. The bird is like a feathered rat infesting bars and venues every night saying it used to be better or complaining about yuppies ruining their town except the yuppies like the same things they do.

Pigeons are useless because they forgot how to eat pests and you can’t eat them.


St. Gall

I am a pigeon.

I like to hang out at the same places.

I just float around mooching off of others.

I am dressing the part of a rocker dude.

I am a pigeon,

So I bop my head back and forth

Going from this bar to that bar

Looking for the best situation.

I don’t want to miss a thing.

I want to be with a pack, or flock of other pigeons.

I feel like I need you to give me some food.

Don’t you want me to hang out?

Then I need food and drink.

Can I stay on your couch?

I’m looking for a place.

Im a grown up adult

Still couch surfing,

Still trying to work only very part time,

Still wearing patches and spikes

And still eating garbage.

I am a pigeon



Pigeons don’t do crafts. They just do music stuff. Rock is a full time gig, man.


If you get the Pigeon in your totem, think about how much you are taking and how much your not willing to grow up and change is sucking the life out of everyone around you. Think about how much you just keep doing the same thing every weekend.

Look at how much garbage you eat. You’re just a feathered garbage disposal who is unwilling to learn how to be an animal again.