Cracked Pot Meditations – Being Into Everything That Everyone Else Is Into Because Everyone Else Is Into Something And You Can’t Ever Be Alone or Not Do The Same Things As Everyone Else

Meditation for July 17th, 2016 Being Into Eveything That Everyone Else Is Into Because Everyone Else Is Into Something And You Can’t Ever Be Alone Or Not Do The Same Things As Eveyone Else We find ourselves fighting to be apart of something bigger than yourselves. Like the cells that make up our own bodies, […]

Meditation for July 17th, 2016

Being Into Eveything That Everyone Else Is Into Because Everyone Else Is Into Something And You Can’t Ever Be Alone Or Not Do The Same Things As Eveyone Else

We find ourselves fighting to be apart of something bigger than yourselves. Like the cells that make up our own bodies, we try and attach ourselves to other people so we can become one cohesive unit. 

We do this by liking the same music, wearing the same clothes, enjoying the same culture and jumping on the same bandwagons together. We are so scared of original and interesting thoughts that we look for our peers for guidance on what to like and what to dislike. 

We could reject the social norms and become advocates for individualism and free thought. We could be so comfortable in our own skin that we just enjoy what we enjoy and ignore the rest. 


We could jump on any bandwagon so we can be apart of the greater stampede of consumer zombies trying to feel the reason for life. We no longer have a strong infallible church to lie to us for meaning, now we have games and fantastic icons to lead us to spiritual bankruptcy. 

It’s popular so therefore it’s the best

McDonald’s sells 225 million hamburgers a year, but does that mean it’s a good hamburger? What about the condition of a McDonald hamburger? It is a terrible hamburger, but thanks to cost and marketing, the cysts on a steroid “beefed” up cow can be put between two slices of white bread buns and sold with fries and a Coke will sell like hot cakes. 

Right now popular culture is shit. It has never been worse, and you enjoying one of the shitty things corporations vomit down your throat like a mama bird makes you as dumb and blind like the McDonald burgers your fat ass chokes down to hide your inadequacies. 

It helps people 

War helps people. It thins our population, it bolsters industry and innovations, it creates change in a world that resists it and it makes great movies. Sure, millions of people have to die – mostly from slow festering wounds, but hey! It helps the world. Millions of more people become homeless refugees roaming the world looking for a home that probably will never accept them, but they will bring their good parts of their culture, like food and music. 

Eveything can help people. It isn’t that it helps people that is bad, it’s that this product is needed to help people because these people can’t help themselves.

You just don’t understand

Yes, you’re right, I don’t understand. I also don’t understand why, in a pretty well educated country, we have around 93 million Americans believing that the book of Genesis in the bible happened exactly as it is written. 

Some thing aren’t understood and I don’t need to try and understand it because my gut, intellect and education has me making an informed decision without “understanding” a fucking fad. 

It builds community

So does someone killing themselves. Everyone gets together and mourns this person’s death. They try and answer why. They look for things to blame. People who haven’t spoken in a long time, but had this suicidal person in common can get together and communicate their grief. 

Why do we need a thing to help us get together? Why can’t we just be together? Why can’t we build a community on love and respect instead of cultural tribes banding together to back either DC comic movies or Marvel comic movies – if you leave out the X-Men shitty Fox movies?

We are so numb by media and information that is in our pockets on the things that used to be used to communicating with people, that we have no idea how to build a community. 

It’s just fun

Of course it is. You’re adorable. You thought vaping and the hoverboards were fun too. Put a fedora and a black shirt covered in flame designs on and watch soccer. 


Maybe I should read yesterday’s post. 

It might be fun. 

But I won’t play it. 

Mostly because I know how to read.