Cracked Pot Meditations – Urban Aromatherapy

Meditation for July 19th, 2016 Urban Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is when we get essential oils and the aroma affect our mood and health. People get oils from lavender, orange blossoms, cedar and many other plants and flowers for the different effects. Citrus smells usually bring energy while floral smells effect us with sleep and passions. We […]


Meditation for July 19th, 2016

Urban Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is when we get essential oils and the aroma affect our mood and health. People get oils from lavender, orange blossoms, cedar and many other plants and flowers for the different effects. Citrus smells usually bring energy while floral smells effect us with sleep and passions. We can combine the scents to create therapeutic success to our lives.

Sometimes we aren’t around any essential oils, so we have to rely on what’s around us. When one lives in a city, one has to be creative to get the right aromatherapy to treat our problems.

Car exhaust: If you get close to heavy traffic you can smell the sweet putrid scent of car exhaust. This is great for calming yourself down. Car exhaust reminds us to just lie down and give up, which is very relaxing. Car exhaust is also good for lifting your emotions a little bit, relieve problems with digestion and urinary tract issues, and finally it is a great acne remover scent.

Paint: People are always painting their houses and businesses are always covering up graffiti, so get to that wet paint and get a big old whiff. Paint is a great scent if you’re pregnant or want to be pregnant. It eases the uncomfortability of carrying a child. Paint can ease depression – especially oil based primers. This is a great scent to liven up your libido. Paint can help with respiratory problems, addictions and reducing stress.

Skunk: Skunks love to come into the city and live under houses and find trash. These lovable creatures emit one of the most powerful scents on earth. Their musk will boost your immune system – a person sprayed never get sick. The scent will help heal breaks in skin and can even help a scar disappear forever. The skunk scent is great treating most issues external and internal. Sometimes I just stick my head into a skunk den just to get sprayed to get the effects. The skunk spray is the most therapeutic of all the scents. Why do you think really good marijuana cigarettes are called the skunk by hipsters?

Bleach: The clean strong scent of bleach is great with respiratory issues. Bleach is a immune booster and some have claimed the scent has helped remove cellulite! A little smell of bleach can alleviate fevers and headaches. Bleach can also help remind what you will smell like if you are murdered and the person cleans up after you and after your body is removed, so it is a great mood lifter!

Paper mill: The sweet pungent scent of a paper mill will relax you of all your tension and can be used to aid sleep. Paper mill scent is great for anti-flamatory and decongestion. I like to stand downwind of a paper mill in times of depression and times of insomnia. I also like to be near a paper mill when I’m healing from a surgery.

Grass: Grass that grows through the cracks in the sidewalk and along busy highways are different then the grass you’d find in a lawn, a golf course or a park. This is a hearty grass in which the scent is a natural stimulant. Rubbing the blades in your fingers and huffing heavily helps with cognitive function and memory. This is the brain scent. When you are dealing with sore muscles lie down face first into some sidewalk grass and breath deeply, for the intoxicating scent will relieve you of what ails your muscles.

Restaurant or store compost: This is the jack of all scents. Getting into a dumpster outside a busy restaurant, chain preferred, or a large supermarket will get you most of what you desire. The scent will help with mood stabilizing, ease anxiety, and relieve digestion issues. The compost will help your heart and lung health and if you can bottle up the smell of fresh compost, you have an aphrodisiac on your hands, so be careful, Casanova!

Burnt rubber: This is the best scent for your respiratory issues. Extra therapeutic if tire is still on fire. This smell is great as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, decongestion, diuretic, and a stimulant. The burnt rubber will act as a cooling smell. This is a great scent for combating migraine headaches. This will also help with aches and pain.

Pregnant women or people who suffer from seizures should stay far away from a burning tire.