Cracked Pot Meditations – Using The Hard Science of Numerology to Find Out What To Do With The Your Life

Meditation for June 15th, 2016 Using The Hard Science of Numerology to Find Out What To Do With Your Life In the school of math lies the magic of numerology. These are numbers that represent us and our relations with our Creator. Numbers permeate every aspect of nature. Some say that math is that language […]


Meditation for June 15th, 2016

Using The Hard Science of Numerology to Find Out What To Do With Your Life

In the school of math lies the magic of numerology. These are numbers that represent us and our relations with our Creator. Numbers permeate every aspect of nature. Some say that math is that language of the Universe therefore it is the language of the divine.

How do you use this divine science to help you figure out your true purpose? Well, I have studied under the very best numerologists that I could find and I have broken down the answer to a quick and easy equation.

Take your birthday. We’ll use mine as an example:




9 is my life number.

Now match your life number to the quick guide I have created below to find your life’s purpose. Remember, this is science, so don’t be skeptical, it does use math.

I also include a scenario where all the numbers go out on a pub crawl.


One is the leader. This is the person that will tell you what to do. You won’t believe they know what they are talking about, but they are in the position of power over all other numbers. This is the person that takes lead and credit for all projects.

In social situations, the number one life number will direct when the group will do shots and when it is time to move on to the next bar. They will also be the one that will not let anyone go home until the number one has officially ended the night.

They are dominating, egotistical, willful, and boastful and just an all around asshole.

Possible life purposes: Politics, CEO, Car Salesman, Phone Sales for a Brokerage Firm, Blogger, Life Coach, Sports Coach, Corporate Law


This is the person that wants to control the details and the people. They will do anything to have the whole situation under control. Things will be labeled. They will use lots of post-it notes. If it becomes time to handle a confrontation, the number two will become a diplomat and not take any sides no matter how wrong one of the sides may be.

The number two will be the one in a social event picking off another person and hang back taking this person hostage and have a great ‘one-on-one’ talk that includes just the number two listing all the things the rest of the party is doing wrong with their lives.

The number two hates themselves so much they spend a lot of time trying to absorb someone else’s life’s dramas and saving other people.

A number two are great councilors, caregiver, nurse, hospice nurse, family law, psychiatrist, drug and alcohol councilor, receptionist and funeral home director.


These are the scattered brains that talk about doing all these great projects, but leave them undone or unfinished. They talk about creativity more than they partake in it. The creativity is the talk. They have the gift of gab. They have no idea what to do and never have any sense of direction.

Three is the one that just spends the social night talking about great ideas that they can do later on. They keep telling the number one in the group to remember these great ideas for future hangouts.

Great career paths for number threes are Gallery Collector, Reluctant Salesperson, Writer, Any Service Job with a promise that they are doing something real on the side, Bartender and talk about the great things they used to do, Hair and Makeup and anything in the fashion world.


This is the law and order person of the numbers. Number Fours spend more time trying to find the perfect system for what they have to do then do the job they have to do. They discuss the problems over and over hoping that a solution will appear in the discussion. Unfortunately, the Number Four has no imagination and has to rely on the already been done for any solutions. They cannot function without clear rules and order.

This is your naysayer in your night out. The Number Four will warn everyone that whatever you are doing isn’t a good idea. They will ask Number One of the group if what some of the others are doing is a “good idea?”

Number Fours make great CEOs, Business Owners, Urban Planners, Lawyers, Medical Professions, Diplomats, Uber Local Politicians, Technical Field and Engineers.


Fives are the excitable numbers of the list. They will be loud and obnoxious and even if everyone is in agreement with a decision, the Number Five will do whatever they please. They are never content with what’s going on, they need to be dealing with fires to feel alive. They will make up drama just to have a focus. They make a lot of rash decisions based on emotions.

Fives will be the ones who will wander off and come running back to let you know they found a burning car or a dead body (or both). They will naysay everything anyone wants to do, but thankfully because they think something else would be fun, but maybe dangerous or irresponsible.

Number Fives make great Cruise Activity Directors, Advertising, Assistant Managers, TV persona, News Blogger, Social Media Marketing Manager, Event Planner or a stay at home parent.


Sixes are also loud. Sixes are trying to run the show by helping others, even if it is self-righteous and judgmental. Sixes tend to talk a lot and love being heard. They will even recount what they have said the next day to someone else as a highlight. Sixes love to be in the middle of whatever is happening. Sixes love to be the center of attention.

The six is usually the person that the Number Two will take hostage, but they will figure out soon enough that they are the one actually hostage while they listen to the Number Six turn whatever drama that is Number Two’s into their own and they go from how they relate to their own story of struggles. The Number Six will only follow the movement of the group because they never pay attention to anything anyone has said or suggested.

Number Six make great Alternative Therapists, Teachers, Art Teachers, Caregivers, Customer Service Rep., Health Trainer, Life Coach, Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist and any radical therapeutic trade.


This is the analytical and detail orientated of the number group. Number Sevens will be the quiet shy but when they talk they are closed minded and inflexible in their beliefs and opinions. They have analyzed the problem and have scoured for a solution, but anything other than what they have found is found to be completely wrong and should be thrown away immediately.

The Number Seven will spend the evening arguing with everyone and rolling their eyes a lot. Sarcasm is the name of the joke game. Sevens like to bait sixes and twos into arguments.

A great path for Number Sevens are IT, Philosopher, Scientist, Mathematician, Investigator, Cop, Congressperson, Comedian, Pro Gamer, YouTube Critic, Tech or Health Consultant or Hardware Store Sales.


Eights are the ones that need work to define who they are. They are always working more hours than you knew were available in a week. They work on weekends and on holidays. They are always saying, “fuck.” when they look at their phone. They will be late and then leave early for everything not work. You might not see this person for months.

If Number Eight actually comes out on our number social night, then they will be talking about how they need to get up really early the next day and will probably go home during the first bar when the talk of moving on begins.

Eights are great Executives, Surgeons, Business Owners, Politicians, Wealth Management, Stock Broker, Banker, Accountant, Real Estate or Property Management and even cop or military officer.


This is the creative that just wants people to talk about how great their work is. They don’t want money or power; they just want the love of everyone. EVERYONE! Number nines will take creative jobs that put them in the spotlight. They won’t be okay with thankless work.

This is the person on the party bus that will be doing stupid shit and yelling, “Look at me guys!” No one will actually know a Number Nine because the Number Nine will not learn who they really are and therefore rely on stupid antics to keep all at bay.

Number Nines make great Writers, Artists, Actors, HR, Therapist, Psychologist, Activist, Graphic Designer or Psychic.