Cracked Pot Meditations – April Fools

   Meditation for April 1st, 2016April Fools Today is the day that people pull practical jokes on each other and try to make people believe in something that isn’t real. Some people call today the day of the Fool’s Errand, the quest for something that cannot be obtained.  Most of us spend our entire lives […]


Meditation for April 1st, 2016April Fools

Today is the day that people pull practical jokes on each other and try to make people believe in something that isn’t real. Some people call today the day of the Fool’s Errand, the quest for something that cannot be obtained. 

Most of us spend our entire lives on Fool’s errands. We want riches, power, prestige, knowledge, health and other unobtainable grails. We find ourselves in an uphill fight to achieve what we want to only slide back down because of health, debt or other unforeseen circumstance. 

In our sadness we change our goals to fit our actions. 

So April Fools is a great day to meditate on how much time you waste your time on things that don’t matter. 

Is that video game really going to make your life richer? You just wasted half an hour trying to beat that level and that is a half an hour that you will never have again. Is that episode of that TV show really going to enrich your life? Nope, the five episodes you watched in a row is five episodes worth of time that wasn’t yours. The TV show owned your time. 

Do you even have goals? Do you really think that if you just work hard enough you can achieve any of your dreams? You won’t be distracted by Facebook and Amazon Prime? Do you have lists that are never fulfilled? Are you suddenly old still at the same bars listening to the same music hanging with the same folks still dreaming of that big dream? You are letting time take it away from you. 

Look at your goals and see which ones are Fool Errands and stop trying to achieve the unachievable. You just aren’t good enough. 


Leonardo Da Vinci,

I have a lot of good ideas. 

I have at least three or four things a day. 

One of these days I’ll try to realize one of my ideas. 

I wanted to have a cold cereal cart. 

I wanted to make lamps out of old wine bottles. 

I had a great idea for a book. 

I have been thinking about a concept album I want to write. 

I have this sketch book of comics I just need to clean up and publish. 

I have this coffee shop I’ve wanted to open since I was 16. 

I have stories I need to write down. 

I have opinions to share. 

You have ideas?

I will listen, 

And the. I will change your ideas with a lot of my ideas,

Even though it was your idea, 

But I love my ideas so much that I will take the skeleton of your idea

And flesh it out to look or sound nothing like your original idea. 

When I go into new businesses,

I always share all the things the owner should do for a better business. 

I will take offense when I notice the owner not heeding my advice. 



You need a goal board. This is a giant cork board that you will put pictures from magazines to represent your goals. 

Make the top goals towards the top of the board, while your lessen goals towards the bottom. 

Take color string and some thumb tacks and put lines of string through goals to goals in the order you need to do them. 

Put up news articles of one cop who seems to always bust the bad guys but maybe with some untraditional tactics. 

Come up with an evil plan where the cop has to go against the law to protect and save his own family. 

Watch him fail and then kill his family. 

Watch him become the Punisher. 


You waste a lot of time chasing goals that are unattainable. You waste a lot of time not chasing the goals you can attain. Cut the bullshit out of your life. Can only a young body achieve goal? Scratch it. Will this put your ethics and values to question because all paths that lead to more money is morally corrupt? Kick it. Are you only doing this to get laid? FART NOISE! Is there a possibility that you will fail? Stop right there. 

The holy grail doesn’t exist so stop chasing it.