Cracked Pot Meditations – How To Fake Find The Meaning of Life

Meditation for October 9th, 2016 How To Fake Find The Meaning of Life One of the main purposes of meditation, a spiritual practice, and a lot of other methods discussed in this blog and other blogs like it. People flock to religion to find a meaning of life so that the mistake Reality of our […]

Meditation for October 9th, 2016

How To Fake Find The Meaning of Life

One of the main purposes of meditation, a spiritual practice, and a lot of other methods discussed in this blog and other blogs like it. People flock to religion to find a meaning of life so that the mistake Reality of our biological existence doesn’t seem as pointless. 

Here are four main ingredient so that you can at least appear like you are striving for the meaning of life. 


Finding a group of people to feel apart of and even striving for the same goals is a great way to start. 

This is why people enjoy church. They get to be a part of something they think bigger than themselves. Feeling righteous and better than other people who aren’t part of their church can give a person a great buzz. 

Remember, meaning doesn’t mean happiness, so feeling angry at other “tribes” of people for their beliefs can also help drive meaning. 

Find a “gang” or a “tribe”. Become “patriotic” or “socialist”. Join a “church” or a “yoga” studio. Agree with a particular political party. Get really into a musical subculture like “metal” or the “hip hop”. 


Get really into some kind of cause. Share every link that either celebrates your purpose or proves other purposes are wrong. 

Having blind faith in something with such conviction, even with the rest of the world convinced you are wrong, is the best way to get you up in the morning. The more people disagree with you, the more you will be sure of your purpose. 

Churches give purpose. Nationalism gives purpose. Racism gives purpose. War gives purpose. Hate gives purpose. Money makes purpose. Politics makes purpose. Popular TV shows mike purpose. 

Now find one. 


Having a strong story and understanding your reason for being where you are is a great way to fake meaning. 

You might find a lot of meaning in your genealogy. Having a starting point of where your ancestors come from. This is why a lot of Irish-Americans make more out of St. Patrick’s Day, Guinness, and acting like a boxer with brain damage. 

You can also use a huge event in your life as a story. Some people get sober and never stop talking about it. Others have been sick and will bring it up at every chance they get (and by “they”I mean me). The most common event that make a person insufferable with meaning is child rearing. 

Understanding where we come from and what made us can amplify our totally made up quest for meaning in our lives. 


This is important, the feeling of awe in the world around us and allowing some of it to be a mystery is the transcendent way to meaning. 

Seeing the world from afar, the depth of the ocean, the wet moss hanging off of huge trees in the Olympic Peninsula can make reel back and have a desire to live with meaning. 

Pretending to have this world figured out, that you know what’s best all the time, and just being an all around know it all asshole is the best way to strip all meaning from your life. 

Having just a mustard seed of doubt is the best way for a life searching for meaning and making up that you don’t have doubts. 

42 is the real meaning of life.