Cracked Pot Meditations – The Absence of Bad News

Meditation for October 10th, 2016 The Absence of Bad News It can be very confusing to wake up one day and have the lack of drama in your life. We thrive on adversity and overcoming challenges, but when it’s a nice gentle brook babbling through a pastoral meadow, there is anxiety. Just the absence of […]

Meditation for October 10th, 2016

The Absence of Bad News

It can be very confusing to wake up one day and have the lack of drama in your life. We thrive on adversity and overcoming challenges, but when it’s a nice gentle brook babbling through a pastoral meadow, there is anxiety.

Just the absence of bad news is bad news. The very nature of bad things is our very character. I am the addict, the adopted, the guy who had cancer, but when none of those things are a struggle anymore, what the fuck am I?

I could reach for something to be the matter with me. A person can always delve deeper into their own psyche to find trouble. Mining for issues before the issues want to be found is a great way to find bad news.

Bad news gives us meaning and purpose. The lack of the negative makes meaning lacking and purpose empty. Where does someone with nothing wrong find purpose? Soup kitchens? India? 

Wait long enough and the next set of bad news will come.