Cracked Pot Meditations – The Dalai Llama is an Asshole

Meditation for May 7th, 2016 The Dalai Llama is an Asshole The Dalai Llama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He lives in exile in Northern India trying to garner political support to make Tibet completely autonomous from the Chinese. He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1989 by being a talker instead […]

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Meditation for May 7th, 2016

The Dalai Llama is an Asshole

The Dalai Llama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He lives in exile in Northern India trying to garner political support to make Tibet completely autonomous from the Chinese. He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1989 by being a talker instead of a doer in trying to liberate Tibet and has received many awards from heads of states all over the world. His likeness and quotes have been ejaculated all over the Internet and social media.

The Dalai Llama is an asshole. He receives millions of dollars in support but just holds an exile government in India with no actual ruling on actual Tibetans. Even the CIA has given this jerk money to undermine the Chinese because we love anyone but communists. He has a palace in the Dharmsala providence of India where he lives lavishly.

His claim that Tibet is a peaceful nation that was just a victim of the communist war machine is bullshit. Before the Chinese entered back into Tibet in 1950, Tibet still practiced slavery and serfdom under their version of Buddhism. The Tibetans are a proud Buddhist warrior state and have entered China and Bhutan several times to rape and pillage. China just had enough and took care of the problem by invading and allowing partial autonomy.

In 2008, the Dalai Llama supported and encouraged Tibetans to attack and kill Han and Hui ethnic groups residing in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. Tibetans in other parts of the world attacked Chinese embassies and consulates. The Buddhists even attacked and burned down a mosque.

The Dalai Llama is a clown who gets huge amounts of money by just being who he is and giving lectures and selling books. He has created this idea that Buddhism is this peaceful and compassionate religion when in reality is one of the most violent ones on earth. Like Christianity and Islam, Buddhism supports sexism, homophobia and encourages slavery and classism.

Namaste, fool.


Gautama Buddha,

Since you are so awaken,

Tell me this:

Why do your white followers sound like zombies?

They walk around with their eyes rolled up into their heads,

Wearing flowy fabrics and linens.

Ignoring everything wrong in the world by floating on top of it all.

They only see the good in what they believe.

Even a Catholic knows how fucked up Catholicism is.

They drive Subaru’s and Toyota Prius-eye with Free Tibet on the back,

And most of their car was manufactured in China.

They talk into their IPhones, which were made by poor labor in China.

The Tibetan prayer flags are just a sign that the people living there are “cool”.

These privileged people with their yoga mats and meditation practices

Don’t know suffering.

Most religions show suffering,

But Buddhism hides it behind a smiling blissed out dude.

Women flock to a religion that says women can’t be enlightened.

It’s the same as all the other religions.

Just because you have a fountain in a stand of bamboo,

Doesn’t mean you get to be ignorant of the world around you.

Gautama Buddha,

Did you mean for Buddhism to be so selfish?


Create a Buddhist altar.

First you will need a small wooden bookshelf, end table or wooden box.

Next you will need a Buddha. A carving works the best, but a picture works too.

Then pick out some of the teachers like the laughing Buddha, who died of gluttony. Decorate your altar with red fabric, bells, a stupa, small bowls to hold water and candle holders.

Every morning change the water and light incense.

Recite Buddhist prayers and chants.

Never worry about problems again.


Sometimes the biggest assholes in the world can say awesome things to post on the Internet.

The Dalai Llama is a real fucking asshole.