Cracked Pot Meditations – The Shutting of Doors

Meditation for May 6th, 2016 The Shutting of Doors Life is full of possibilities and choices. Sometimes it is like being in a hallway and there are doors to the left and to the right and even right in front of us. Some of these doors are open and some of these doors are closed. […]

Meditation for May 6th, 2016

The Shutting of Doors

Life is full of possibilities and choices. Sometimes it is like being in a hallway and there are doors to the left and to the right and even right in front of us. Some of these doors are open and some of these doors are closed. There is the closed door we work hard to get to that opens for us when the time is right and there is the door that is open till we get right up to the threshold and God shuts it in our fat stupid face. 

God is a giant man in a white lab coat and we are small rodents in a maze and He is watching us scramble around the maze the best we can while he jots notes on his Clipboard. Sometimes He wants to know what will happen if He changes the maze if we get used to it and start to know our way and other times he shoots us up with carcinogenicity to see how we run around the maze with cancer. Sometimes He is off for the weekend or on a long sabbatical. 

Sometime the giant man named God in the lab coat prefer some of the little people running around the maze and picks them up and pets them and places them in better situations within the maze. This might look like a dollar on the ground, a parking spot near the enterence of the supermarket or the job that come by networking instead of a strong resume and good interviewing skills. 

He then dislikes others. So He shuts doors and traps the little helpless people in dead end situations with no way out. Sometimes He puts his favorite little guys in charge of the less than favored who end up eating them instead of just ruling them.  

So when you feel like a door closing and another door opening, go for the window because that might lead to the lab floor and to freedom. 


God in the Lab Coat and Clipboard,

Please help me get to the end of this maze.

Please remove every single obstacle that stands in my way of getting to the end of this maze. 

Please don’t experiment with cancer or other diseases in me. 

Please don’t experiment with social and political theories on us so we end up killing and eating each other on live TV. 

Please don’t see if the make up will make my skin fall off. 

Just let me get to the end of this maze without too much harrowing adventures. 

I just want to get my reward. 

Oh, the end is death?

And after death is nothing?

No heaven, hell or anything?

Just nothing?

Just a dreamless sleep for eternity, but time actually ceases?

Yes, lab coat God, help me get there. 

Eternity is the right amount of sleep. 


Stop being the mouse in the maze and start being the obstacle. If you can’t be one of the chosen mice, the least you can do is ruin it for all the others. 

Here are some ideas to make the maze miserable for the mice that doesn’t know they are mice in a maze:

Get someone fired. Plant stolen money in them, blame them for everything, get the whole company against them. Make sure you do this to someone that you won’t be replacing. It needs to be malicious not opportunist. 

Break up a loving couple. Sleep with one or both of them, photoshop pictures of one of them cheating, point out the other’s flaws like it means something much more sinister. Again, this can’t be an opportunity for a future relationship, this is just pure evil. 

Get someone arrested. Plant drugs in their car and call the cops about a possible drunk driver. 

Become a surgeon, then become a psychologist, become a serial killer. Frame the nerdy, quirky profiler for your murders. Make sure only he knows you are the serial killer. Get him released from the criminally insane asylum by framing someone else. Become his psychiatrist again in a weird mental war of the wits and the wills. Watch show get cancelled and Keeping Up With the Kardashians continue to prosper. Watch Donald Trump become the next possible President of the United States of America. Know that people’s lack of interest in intellect and culture has lead to this. 


Find a way out of the maze, Neo.