Cracked Pot Meditations – The Meninist Sacrifice

Meditation for August 1st, 2016 The Meninist Sacrifice Men. Men have been around for nearly as long as women. They have penises. And now they are dealing with the greatest threat to their existence: reverse sexism. Just kidding, there’s no such thing. Men have just gotten to the point where their 10,000 year old shenanigans […]

2012-08-03 00.20.17

Meditation for August 1st, 2016

The Meninist Sacrifice

Men. Men have been around for nearly as long as women. They have penises. And now they are dealing with the greatest threat to their existence: reverse sexism.

Just kidding, there’s no such thing.

Men have just gotten to the point where their 10,000 year old shenanigans isn’t cute anymore. They are now in a world that can literally (and I mean scientifically) live without them. Men are obsolete. Women can actually form an Amazonian society and can artificially create sperm to fertilize their eggs.

Men are not taking it well. They have started movements like the Meninist movement to battle what they think is their “rightful” place in society. They don’t want to be obsolete. They shame women, try to point out hypocrisies and just down right hate women.

How can a man want so bad to feel the touch of a woman hate women so much?


This is the terrible sexist and misogynistic ways men are dealing with losing their reason to exist:

The Arbiter of Moral Fortitude

These are the men that are shocked by women’s behavior that may seem sexualized or seeking attention. Never mind that this is the world that was created by men for men, but they slut shame these women like they are the very voice of cultural ethics.

They are wishing that the women would actually be as sexualized as they look. Pornography make women act like men in women’s bodies, so it is shocking that women don’t feel exactly that.

By reminding women who is responsible for the moral code, this will help ensure men’s survival.

Let everybody do what they want to do and stop thinking anything is wrong except those that are set down by law, and even some of those…

The Perfect Man – If Women Would Change

Single? Can’t be your fault. It must be all the womens fault. They want a different guy. You’re probably a nice guy and women only want to date assholes or other women. You blame them for being too slutty and then you blame them for being too prudish. Make up your mind, man! Maybe you’re too slutty. You’re running around trying to get laid all the time.

Hopefully by blaming women for most of society’s ills, this will help make the case that men should stick around and manage society more. Men make great managers, leaders, negotiators and orators.

The Oppressed

Now the women aren’t the cause of all your problems, they are literally out to get you. They are playing games with you or they are radical feminists. Even some of the other guys are acting weird around the things you say and post. You call them white knights. They are pussies or beta males for standing up for women. Women must have them wrapped around their fingers to get you.

This furthers you away from doing anything about yourself if you think you are oppressed and being persecuted.

This is the stage where a man thinks there is such thing as reverse sexism. This is where a man will fight to keep his place in the world. Changing the way we treat women can’t be the solution, it’s women need to continue putting up with our bullshit. Change is scary and sometimes that fear of change is what gets confused for oppression.

The OK Man

A man can either be so self-hateful that they cringe and ignore any compliments. It’s too much. The self-pity has taken root strongly. A man is broken if they can’t be complimented. Then there is the man that is desperate for compliments. They need to be heard and seen so that people will tell them something positive. Nothing means everyone hates them. They need to be treated extra special to feel normal.

Being a man who won’t take compliments shows women how much we need an unemotional man to keep things in reality.

Begging for positive attention is our cry that we are human too. We can be sensitive too. Did you hear what I said, did you see what I did, did you read what I wrote?

The Armor Weaknesses

A man criticized, even if it’s constructive, is a sad sight. They are like a meth crazed steroid jacked up wounded badger backed into a corner. They viciously lash out feeling that the whole world is closing in on them. They even know they may have this weakness, but dare to point it out?!? The gall. There will be misdirection, facts an stats taken out of context, personal anecdotes from himself and friends; he will post about it on Facebook!

Criticism is one sided I’m afraid and a man is a giver not a taker in this department.

Boring People

The hate that spews out of these men make them boring. They probably like going to the gym or playing pool. They may even dabble in gambling. All boring activities. They aren’t interested in anything that helps others or expanding the mind. If it’s popular at the moment they will try and do it, but they don’t do much. Part of their self-hatred is their lack of exciting character and unique personality. Trolls are the extreme of this. They use malicious bullying to bury their human inadequacies.

Posting a lot of memes is a desperate sign of a boring person.

This is the biggest fear of a misogynist, being found out. Being caught being boring. That all he is capable of doing to not be boring is be a malicious troll.

Taking Out The Competition

Other men. They also have penises. They have different faces and personalities. Some women seem to like that combination. Take that man out! Belittle their interests, their livelihoods, their character! Paint this bastard black! Maybe others will see your logic – your deranged, jealous logic. He belittles men that are white knights or beta men – not true alpha men. He bemoans a time when men were men and boys were boys, but now men knit and wear blouses.

Hating some men is ok as long as it’s those men over there.

What is masculinity to a self-hating woman hater?

Dominating women

Gaslighting women

Humiliate women

Devalues women’s opinions

A discussion with a woman is a war to dominate

Blames women for shortcomings

Blames women for the loss of masculinity

Makes jokes about women

Makes fun of women who get upset with joke about women

Gets mad at women who tells a joke belittling men

Makes a point of hypocrisy because of the joke

Makes point that feminism is anti-free speech

Doesn’t feel remorse for hurting women

Extremely possessive

Jealousy is as masculine as it gets

Really into sex

Sex is everything


Must have big boner

Must have bigger boner than him

She must want the big boner


Fights when doesn’t get women

Likes to watch fights


Sports are for men

Having sex with women

Not having sex or anything that is remotely close to sex with a man – except fighting

Creating hierarchy of men from weak to strong

Try to be the strongest

Try not to smell too badly

Just the right amount of masturbation

Saying whatever he wants with no consequence – the reason for this whole blog today