Cracked Pot Meditations – The Spiritual Path is Really Hard

Meditation for December 7th, 2016 The Spiritual Path is Really Hard Maybe looking in at a spiritual person it may seem like that it is easy to walk down a spiritual path is easy. Well being in league of my own in the spirit realm, I can tell you that it’s really hard.  I can […]

Meditation for December 7th, 2016

The Spiritual Path is Really Hard

Maybe looking in at a spiritual person it may seem like that it is easy to walk down a spiritual path is easy. Well being in league of my own in the spirit realm, I can tell you that it’s really hard. 

I can never let up on my practice or I will revert to my natural state which is a selfish vicious animal who fights for food, sex, and territory. Every blessed day I have to act according to a higher calling and not from my mere base primal instinct. 

I spent many years collecting. I collected comic books, records, books, clothes, and other non-essential items. I also collected ideas, opinions, morals, and philosophies. Now that I grow old, I was born in the fall of 1976, so that makes me in my 74th year, so I now lose the things I collected. I don’t need any of those things anymore. 

I must remain non-violent. To grow, I must shed the armor and weapons I have collected. That is mainly anger. Anger is violence and escape. I let fear harm other people. How can I allow something I fear to remain on this earth? To walk down a spiritual path, I can’t react to fear. Fear is the dubious luxury of small dogs and old white people watching people of color move in next door. 

I must remain truthful. Lying is also a demon controlled arm of fear. It is a shield. Lies cocoon me in a warm embrace. I need to remain outside that cocoon with my truth. I must stand naked to the world and while I tell no lie, I then can achieve knowledge and freedom. 

To live a spiritual life I have to make honesty a commitment. Lying, hiding, omitting, or manipulating the truth only delivers me to the life of a wild dog crawling on my tummy and begging for what isn’t mine. I also must seek honesty. I can’t just allow what is to be what is, but why? I need to find the heart of all things. 

My senses must be made moderate. I cannot allow one of my senses to run away with me and my fears. I can’t always be needing more and more because tomorrow I won’t have anymore. I can’t blow my entire paycheck when I get it because I had no money the day before. 

I must eat and sleep like I am a walking temple. I can’t eat fat sugar carbs every meal. I can’t treat food like an energy that just keeps me from being hungry. I need food to be part of a spiritual path. Eating should be meditation. Cooking is a real prayer. 

There are things that I covet. I want more than I have. I want different things than the things I have. I am always looking for a greener pasture. I am always sure that if I had this and that, I would finally be able to be what I want to be. If I keep that kind of materialistic thinking, I will run out of time. I not be what I was supposed to be and instead be the guy who had potential. 

Fear is dark and lonely. It can permeate every decision I make. I will sit in the dark on a pile of things seething at the thought that you have something I don’t have. Fear can make me dishonest and isolated. 

Fear is why the world is the way it is. 

The only thing that combats fear is love. Not the Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson kind of love, but a love that is unconditional. 

Love can make a person know what to do in any situation because love is more predictable than fear. Fear requires a math degree to overcome the odds that something bad will happen to you. 

Love is non-violent and honest. Love is truth. I am 110% sure there are no Gods, but if you must have inspiration to get through your day, don’t think of a lake of fire, but think of love. 

Love draws you to others. Love allows you to sacrifice yourself for others rather than taking. 

The whole answer to the world’s problems is love. 

The spiritual path is leading me to a place where I can love without hesitation or need for compensation. It isn’t easy. In fact, it is harder than most things. Being in a place of constant love is harder than quitting smoking. 

I am violent, dishonest, fearful animal who keeps making all of his decision. Asked on fear. This happens less and less as I keep trying to walk down this spiritual path. 

Laughter is a great way to warm a person’s heart. If anything comes out of this year of Meditations, I hope that I have made someone laugh. Laughter is love.  

Without laughter, the spiritual path would be too hard.