Month: August 2020

Temperance beckoned the Fool to follow her. They came out on to a desert and in the distance was a large walled temple. Closer to where the Fool and Temperance stood were four staves standing up and a palm leaf roof. A man and a woman stood in the shade of the roof. That is […]

As the dust blew through the clearing where the Fool and the Hanged Man were, the Fool could see someone walking around in the courtyard of the castle up the hill. The Fool left the Hanged Man and investigated. A man sat at the gate of the courtyard. He sat at a globe pointing at […]

The Magician brought the Fool to a sweeping vista where a river wound through rolling hills. The Fool was trying to follow the Magician’s teachings, but the Magician sputtered and wasn’t organizing his thoughts.  You must use something as a focus for your magic, the Magician said, something that you can channel your power through.  […]

The Fool watched the wind create waves through the tall wheat field. He was leaving a trail behind him as he ventured further into the golden grains. He kept repeating the Sun’s message so that he wouldn’t forget. A long shadow cast across the Fool, and a black woman was floating in the air surrounded […]

The Fool waded through the trampled sunflower field. The Sun was at his back as he headed the way Hermes suggested. He felt wary, and now he knew what his true purpose is, to take this knowledge back and help people take this journey. He came out of the sunflower field into a swamp. The […]